Authorization Seismic
The consolidated text of construction - Presidential Decree 380/2001 - in the matter of building interventions in seismic areas defines precise procedural obligations. The art. 93 establishes that "anyone who wants to build in a seismic area must give advance notice to the building one-stop shop of the Municipality which shall send a copy to the regional technical office".
The art. 94 establishes that in seismic areas (except those with low seismicity) work cannot begin without prior written authorization from the Region (seismic authorisation).
The Seismic Authorization is the preventive act necessary for the new construction or modification of existing buildings, however limited to the INTERVENTIONS referred to in art. Art. 94 bis paragraph 1 letter a) of Presidential Decree 380/2001 identified by Ministerial Decree 04/30/2020 which fall into the RELEVANT category "A".
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